Sunday, January 1, 2012

Agra / Taj Mahal

Ok now i said the roads were crazy but this was insane. We were driving a highway to Agra that got backed up due to an accident. It was a 4 lane highway with 2 lanes separated by a divider. Since we were waiting a bit cars and our drive made a upturn and crossed the divider to drive on the lane opposite making that 2 lane one way into two road ( get it) To sum it up were driving right into traffic. Then that got backed up and people were jockeying for a way to move up. We were literally and inch from trucks and cars. I could have shook someone's hand out the window. I give total kudos to our driver. The morning of the Taj Mahal was thunder storming. As soon as we got there it let up for a while. As you enter the courtyard you are struck by the incredible beauty of this white marbe palace. Even from a distance you can see the carvings and colorful inlay of the stone. it is perfectly symetrical. A photographer follows you and takes pictures from all these different vantage points to take pictures. We wandered the grounds getting the various views of this beautiful monument to love. it started raining just as we entered the inside. The stone work was indescrible so ornate and intricate. As we walked out of the building it was a blue sky and a beautiful rainbow. Get out a rainbow at the Taj Mahal on New Years Day who gets all that !!!!!! I am having a problem posting pictures. I wrote this whole day last night with pics and lost it into cyberland. I took some great pictures but I think there is no such thing as a bad picture of the taj. this sight will stay with me always:) Funny thing at the Taj. There were many Indians who were taking our pictures. The looks we got were really funny. I wish I new what was goin on in their heads We are so plain in comparison (maybe that is the draw) They were doing what many of us were doing, trying to inconspicuuously take photos of us as we were of them. They were not quite as sly.

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