Saturday, December 31, 2011

Jaipur Pt. 2

After the Amber Fort we were taken to the old city of Jaipur to take a rickshaw ride through the old city. It started on a nice ride until we hit the first roundabout. As I said before the driving here is insane. Rickshaws, bicycles,motorcycles cars all trying to get somewhere. There are no street lights and it seems there are no rules.

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Gridlock from the view on the rickshaw

I have never seen anything like this. This poor guy is carrying a couple of hundred pounds , fighting through traffic. it was crazy.
Then came time to try and walk across the street . The cars don't even stop for pedestrians. A man helped us across but of course he took us to his shop and we felt obligated to look. They are very aggressive with the shopping and it stresses me out. They just keep taking things out to show you. I did end up buying two pashmina and some silk scarves.

Then we went to a haveli and old home with incredible carvings and frescoes.

Ok I have to say, this is the dirtiest place I have yet to visit but there is beauty all around.

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