Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Train ride to Khajuraho

We went to the Agra Fort after the Taj Mahal. This where the Shah who built the Taj Mahal was imprisoned by his own son until death. It was another impressive fort with red walls surrounding it. The fort had a beautiful view of the Taj Mahal. We woke early for the train ride to Khajuraho. A Arvind had said many times there is a schedule and then there is not. We waited in the hotel as he got calls that the train was delayed. it was best we did not have to wait in the airport. As we got off the bus there was this man that had elephantitis of the feet. his feet were so big, like the size of someone's head, he was on a cart and I didn't notice that both feet were like that. Some people in the group were taking pictures and I thought that was so tacky. I had really expected to see more of this throughout the trip. The train station was very busy and I can't imagine knowing what to do without a guide. We waited on the smelly platform for another 45 minutes so the train was then 2 hours delayed. The bathrooms from the train empty directly onto the tracks and men pee wherever they want. As we waited we were constantly approached by kids, men and women motioning with their hands for food. It is really sad but you have to just not make eye contact or they won't leave you alone. The train ride took us into small town India. The hassling on the streets just keeps getting worse as we move on. As soon as you get off the bus you are accosted and they are becoming more aggressive. it make me really uncomfortable. The ride to the next place was really hairy as they were country roads. These people love to drive full on into each other until one person gives way. I could not look never mind sit in the front seat.o

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