Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Flying over the Himalayas was an awesome experience. Nepal is so much cleaner and less busy than India. It is a nice way to end the trip.

This is the view from my room. I thought it was Everest but you cannot see Everest from here. We started off wih a visit to The Buddhist temple.mmThe stupa was beautiful surrounded by prayer wheels and prayer flags.

The spirituality in this place is felt immediately. people walk in circle around the stupa and spin the prayer wheels as the go. You must walk clockwise.

Monks in training. They were so cute.
Monks buying North Face jackets.

Women are the workhorses. t is amazing what they can do!

Hindu temple

Cremations outside the temple are. There were 5 or more platforms for cremations. 3 were already burning and two were just being prepared.

This body is being prepared....
As in India right along the same river women were doing their laundry and a boy was wading in the water.

These people are preparing offerings of food and drink in honor of someone who was just cremated.


1 comment:

  1. This seems like it may be a life changing trip. Safe travels!
