Monday, January 16, 2012

trek through countryside

I was excited about this to see the small villages in Nepal.  The climbs were subtle and I could see coming back and doing some small trekking.  As we walked along we saw the everyday life of the country.  The terraced hillsides were lush green and the houses well built with colorful doors and windows so different from India.

too cute
This trek makes me want to come back so bad.  I love the countryside and the people are beautiful.

the black kohl on this little girls eyes is medicine and it keeps evil away. The roads through the hills are very narrow and the buses were full and had people on top.

The way the people get from village to village is through little trails that were at times very steep.  The women are again the workers and they put us to shame.  I admire their strength.

Everything seemed healthier and cleaner here in Nepal,  even the dogs.  This Callie look alike was a little furball.  Unlike India we saw lots of puppies.  India we saw momma dogs but no puppies and we wondered where or what had happened to them.
Sunset over Kathmandu Valley.  This was a fabulous day and a great way to end this wonderful vacation.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mt. Everest

I have always wanted to see mt. Everest, one of my dreams, well today we fly by. A very early morning wake up only to have plane delayed an hour. An hour later another delay die to weather. I was having second thoughts on this whole idea of a small plane when we got the go ahead. It was a 20 seater so we all got windows.

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We took off an saw all the beautiful terraced fields. The mountains were incredibly beautiful. As we flew by the attendant told us the names of each peak.

While we were flying they called us each up to the cockpit twice. Everest was clear as a bell with a cloud hanging over it just in case we couldn't figure it out.

I am sure many people were summiting on this beautiful day. I love Nepal and want to come back for sure.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Flying over the Himalayas was an awesome experience. Nepal is so much cleaner and less busy than India. It is a nice way to end the trip.

This is the view from my room. I thought it was Everest but you cannot see Everest from here. We started off wih a visit to The Buddhist temple.mmThe stupa was beautiful surrounded by prayer wheels and prayer flags.

The spirituality in this place is felt immediately. people walk in circle around the stupa and spin the prayer wheels as the go. You must walk clockwise.

Monks in training. They were so cute.
Monks buying North Face jackets.

Women are the workhorses. t is amazing what they can do!

Hindu temple

Cremations outside the temple are. There were 5 or more platforms for cremations. 3 were already burning and two were just being prepared.

This body is being prepared....
As in India right along the same river women were doing their laundry and a boy was wading in the water.

These people are preparing offerings of food and drink in honor of someone who was just cremated.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Varanasi morning

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Varanansi day 2

We had to wake up really early for a sunrise boat ride on the Ganges. it was really foggy and it gave this mysterious effect. We once again had to walk through to the ghat and even though it was early many people were out and about. many people coming back from bathing in the river.

When we got to the river the fog was so thick we almost cancelled the boat trip. It was very difficult to see all the activity but we got a good sense of it all. we saw men doing laundry, they beat the laundry against rocks.

Many people were bathing and praying and even drinking the water. I found it beautiful even among the filth. maybe I am learning to empty my mind of judgement:)

I think I could have stayed here one more day to experience this life more. This was the high point of the trip in my mind.


What an incredible experience in Varanasi. We got in late afternoon so we were able to do our evening on the river. The drive through the town was very chaotic and the dirtiest we have seen yet. Many people come here to die or to bathe,drink the water from the Ganges. The Hindus believe if you are cremated here you will achieve nirvana. We had to take a rickshaw down to the river. Talk about an experience.

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These driver are such hard workers. It was hard for a small guy to pedal two of us. They own their rickshaw and we saw many of them sleeping out in courtyards in the early morning.
When we got to the river it was masses of people. Pilgrims, Hindus waiting for a prayer ceremony, beggars and cows. You had to watch your step because there was cow dung all over the place.
We too

We took a boat to the cremation site. there were many fires burning on the three floors of the area. They say it take 3 hours for a body to burn completely. You can tell if it is a woman if there are saris hanging near the site. The oldest boy of the family is responsible for overseeing. Women are usually not present.

it was really an amazing sight. Arvind says they are very accepting of death as it is the process. The whole Hindu philosophy is a great way to live. heart not mind....

We then went to a prayer ceremony that they have every night. Seven priest stood on platforms and chanted prayers while doing Tai ci like movement in unison. it was really beautiful. This whole evening will be forever etched in mind.


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Street market

View from the rickshaw




Laundry in the Ganges

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Train ride to Khajuraho

We went to the Agra Fort after the Taj Mahal. This where the Shah who built the Taj Mahal was imprisoned by his own son until death. It was another impressive fort with red walls surrounding it. The fort had a beautiful view of the Taj Mahal. We woke early for the train ride to Khajuraho. A Arvind had said many times there is a schedule and then there is not. We waited in the hotel as he got calls that the train was delayed. it was best we did not have to wait in the airport. As we got off the bus there was this man that had elephantitis of the feet. his feet were so big, like the size of someone's head, he was on a cart and I didn't notice that both feet were like that. Some people in the group were taking pictures and I thought that was so tacky. I had really expected to see more of this throughout the trip. The train station was very busy and I can't imagine knowing what to do without a guide. We waited on the smelly platform for another 45 minutes so the train was then 2 hours delayed. The bathrooms from the train empty directly onto the tracks and men pee wherever they want. As we waited we were constantly approached by kids, men and women motioning with their hands for food. It is really sad but you have to just not make eye contact or they won't leave you alone. The train ride took us into small town India. The hassling on the streets just keeps getting worse as we move on. As soon as you get off the bus you are accosted and they are becoming more aggressive. it make me really uncomfortable. The ride to the next place was really hairy as they were country roads. These people love to drive full on into each other until one person gives way. I could not look never mind sit in the front seat.o

Sunday, January 1, 2012

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Balcony looking over the courtyard.

reflecting pool

Mosque next to Taj

Beautiful tile work

many archways through the palace all perfectly



Chinese ladies in their saris.

With blue skies.