Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Namaste from Delhi, India. the flight actually did not seem so bad believe it or not. Air India was extremely roomy, we had a lot of leg room and an empty seat next to me allowed me to stretch out. Met a couple from San Jose that I will be traveling with. i was happy with all my little gadgets especially the noise canceling headphones. We had along wait at immigration, they are very thorough. Met our group of travelers. There are 22 people in the group from all over the states, all age groups. As we left the airport I was expecting chaos as that was all I had read about. It was actually very calm. As we drove to the hotel My face was peeled to the window taking in all the sights. The roads are crazy, people on bikes, motorcycles, ricks haws and that's just the vehicles. Then there are the dogs, cows, people and there seems to be no rhyme or reason to how the roads work. no lanes people just drive and honk their horns it's like a game. It is going to be very interesting and scary crossing these streets. It was amazing to see what these people could carry on a bicycle or cart. The colorful women in sari are a sight to see against the gray. The day was extremely gray from Fog and pollution and people building fire along the street to keep warm. The smell of the smoke lingers even in my hotel room.It is nw 4am and I have been up still on Ca. Time. looking forward to the day. The full Parlaiment is in session so many people are protesting (power to the people) so we may not get to see some of the sights scheduled but I like a good protest:) I am having problems getting my photos up so I will post on face book. Namaste

1 comment:

  1. Amazing pictures, Susan!!!!! Hopefully you are feeling better.
