Thursday, December 29, 2011

drive to Jaipur

It is going to be a full day on the road. it started out even foggier than yesterday. We are warned traffic will be a nightmare. Once again the horn honking begins come to find out Indian drivers don't use their rear view mirrors so...drivers are responsible for only what is in front of them. They therefore honk every time they are passing a car or getting ready to pass. We saw motorcycles weaving, people running between cars and 2 buses whO just bullied a car down. I am glad I am in a bus because being at road level would freak me out. Our first stop out of town was another Hindu temple. It was beautiful. The statues against the fog gave a mystical feel. driving along the countryside we saw everyday life. People walking with heavy loads on their heads. Donkey carts, camel carts driving down the road. Now besides cows and dogs eating the trash we are now beginning to see lots of pigs! So the cow that are just wandering are abandoned cows. When they stop producing milk they are set free. Hindu people feed the cows as to please the gods and gain good karma We arrived at Jaipur known as the Pink City. It is surrounded by Pink stone walls. It was a long day of driving. looking forward to Amber ort tomorrow. picture to come....

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