Monday, April 16, 2012

Zion day 2

Woke up to a crystal clear morning. We were ready to tackle Angels Landing. After reading about the deaths and how scary it was I had second thoughts. We decided to go to at least scouts landing. our hotel is so convenient we have the shuttle stop right outside the door. Took the shuttle to the Grotto to begin the hike.
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There we're only a few people on the trail and we really got to take our time. it started off as very mild and the switchbacks were pretty long.

We could see the people climbing in the distance. The trail was well paved and pretty wide for the first part of the hike.

You can see the people in the distance. When the trail started climbing up the rocks it got more strenuous. We had to stop often and take a breather and it was getting warmer being unshaded. There were plenty of places along the way to grab some shade and rest.

With each stop the views got more amazing. The colors contrast so beautifully and the green valley below got more and more beautiful as we climbed.

As we got into the canyon the red rock walls came closer together and the temperature dropped dramatically. this was a really great part of the hike, it was cool and shaded and a perfect hike.

the final part of the hike was heavy duty switchbacks called the wiggles.

Finally arrived at Scouts Landing where the scary part began. This group in the picture were doing the angels landing and kept encouraging us to join them That it "isn't so bad"! Well when we got there I thought I can do this or part of it.

This part has chains to help you get up the slippery sandstone. people are going up and down at the same time. Kerry didn't want to go so I left all my things with her and joined the group. I didn't get far before I realized I couldn't do it. It was slippery and people were behind me some people coming down while we were going up. it was just to much and I had to turn around. I didn't want to have a total breakdown 1/2 way there.

After sitting for a while we decided to head down. Well that was easy and we saw the views from a whole new perpsective.

What a great hike, highly recommend it.

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